Monday, November 22, 2004

The Current and Reigning King of Procrastination

I know, I know. It's been awhile since I updated. But hey, Dan's been busy (so busy that Dan has lost sense of reality and is inexplicably speaking in the third person).

On Friday, I presented in front of about 15 or so University administrators in Philadelphia for a regional conference. Overall, for displaying no discernable preparation skills whatsoever, I thought I (along with my co-presenter and session chair) did a pretty decent job. It is always scary when you deal with creatures of academia, because you utter one split infinitive and you're doomed to Scholarly Hell. But fortunately, no infinitives were split and no sentence ended in a preposition, so I live another day to tell about it.

On Saturday, I worked one of the vaunted Wind Gap wrestling shows, and yes, my Away Message premonition came true; once again, I got attacked by a kid. Apparently, they don't respond too favorably when you try to take off their shoe. And when I say "don't respond too favorably," I mean, "they will start pounding the shit out of you." One wouldn't think a 6-year-old's punches would hurt very much, but then wouldn't also think that taking off a kid's shoe is the brightest idea in the world.

Finally, to end my weekend, I had my final improv class, at least for the next month or so. I say this with all sincerity...this group rocks. Our teacher said it, and I think it's so true...we have the makings of a true ensamble if we all stick with the more advanced classes over the next year or so. I will say that I really underestimated how difficult improvisation can be. But by the same token, everyone in this group brings unique strengths and characteristics to the table that, once melded together, gives that ensamble feel to the games and performances.

I'll TRY to write up a "What I Learned" sometime this week...which validates my blog (and personal) title as DUM DUM DUM...


Until next time...


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